Browse Items (206 total)

School teacher, club woman, resident of Coleman and Wall, Texas

Letter to the Clear Lake Water Authority Board from Frank Kokesh regarding change in leadership, March 9, 1975.

Letter to Rema Lou Brown from Harry Kelso regarding the ERA amendment and rape culture, April 1979

Letter to Rema Lou Brown from Henry Gonzalez regarding co-sponsorship of Civil Rights Restoration Act, July 23, 1985.

letter from Jeanann Madden to Jane Dandrea about how the reservists may be leaving soon, getting combat pay, and hoping that her mother has been managing her money so that Jeanann will be able to by a used car when she returns home. Pages are not…

letter from Jeanann Maden to Jane Dandrea about her trip from her American posting, through Germany, and into Saudi Arabia. She describes the weather, the living conditions, and getting adjusted to desert life. Pages 3 and 7 are missing from the…

letter from Jeanann Madden to Jane Dandrea. Jeanann describes Thanksgiving dinner on base. She also discusses her depression, anger, and fear that she may not survive her tour in Saudi Arabia. Describes her posting at the 44th Medical Brigade as…

Jeann Madden's letter to her mother, Gloria, about her MP duties, the packages she has been receiving from people at home and the upcoming base Chistmas celebration. She also asks her mother to write her a "real" letter instead of just cards or…

Jeann Madden's letter to her mother about the Christmas letters and packages that she has been receiving from people in her hometown as well as the upcoming company Christmas party

Jeann Madden's letter to her mother, Gloria. About her arrival in Saudi Arabia, the way people drive, the women in burkas, and how it hot it is. She mentions that she is writing from a temporary location with no laundry facilities and then they will…