Artist statement :
"Bladder incontinence is a condition mainly seen in women. It is when the bladder muscles become too weak to hold the bladder. On the left inside the trifold you can see 4 different types of incontinence. Stressed, is where the…
Artist statement:
This painting visually displays what someone with tinnitus can hear. While the violin is distinguishable, it is blurry similarly to how someone with tinnitus would be able to hear the violin but the ringing in their ears would make…
Artist statement:
This piece is a reflection of Substance-Use Disorder in that it seeks to help those suffering from it with testimonials from those who are grappling with the ailment themselves. This piece is specifically tailored for alcohol abuse,…
Artist statement:
These articles of clothing have red tulips, the symbol of Parkinson’s Disease printed on using cyanotype process. Each article of clothing has different stitches using red embroidery. The different sizes and styles of clothes…
Artist statement:
The intention of this piece is to make the viewer feel the aloneness and detachment from reality, while fighting a losing battle. The enlarged diagram of the pancreas is used to educate the mass with a visual of what it actually…