Browse Items (206 total)

Postcard from Dorothy Scott to her sister-in-law, Ethel Scott,sent March 9, 1943.

Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, G.M. Scott on March 25, 1943. Scott discusses weather delays, soloing in an AT-6, riding in a B-25, and entertaining a reporter.

Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, G.M. Scott on March 6, 1943. Scott discusses a trip that took her through Jackson, Mississippi, Montgomery, Alabama, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Houston, Texas

Postcard from Dorothy Scott to her father, G. M. Scott. The postcard shows the Wilson Memorial Bridge, Jackson, Mississippi

Letter written by Dorothy Scott to her mother on February 24, 1943. Scott discusses a trip to Arkansas and the excitement over their being female pilots, and flights back to Dallas.

Letter written by Dorothy Scott to her father on February 23, 1943. Scott discusses landing at a new base and excitement over their being female pilots, and flights back to Dallas.

Letter written from Dorothy Scott to her father on January 5, 1943. Scott discusses using her car, travelling, and her transfer to Love Field Army Air Base in Dallas, TX.

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Portrait of Dorothy Scott

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Seattle, Washington. Dorothy Scott, student, University of Washington.

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Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Dorothy Scott.