Browse Items (206 total)

Letter to Rema Lou Brown from Bill Caraway, congratulating her on being re-elected to the water authority board, May 20, 1975.

Undated letter addressed to Rema Lou Brown and Sandy thanking them for appearing in a class.

Letter from Cordye Hall to D.C. Burnham at Westinghouse regarding Westinghouse's involvement in manufacturing munitions for use in the Vietnam War. Hall states that she has many Westinghouse appliances and so is shocked that they are "manufacturing…

Letter from Cordye Hall to J.M. Roche, the General Motors Chairman of the Board, regarding GMs involvement in manufacturing munitions for use in the Vietnam War. Hall states that she has guilt over owning a GM vehicle but will not buy another one…

Cordye Hall writes an open letter to President Ronald Reagan after a recent speech to the U.N. Hall believes the president was lacking in diplomacy and that America has no right to condemn Russia in light of American actions abroad and at home. Ends…

Cordye Hall writes to President Ronald Reagan about a recent speech in which he referred to the Russians in unfavorable terms. Hall believes that his words are undiplomatic and will increase world tension. Hall makes suggestions for peaceful…

Cordye Hall writes an open letter to President Ronald Reagan about a recent speech Reagan made to the British Parliament in which he expressed his intention to engage in international activities and mentions the CIA. Hall reminds Reagan of the…

Denver Post article about Cordye Hall's and Carl Brannin's part in the anti-nuclear protest at Comanche Peak

Letter written from Dorothy Scott to her father on January 5, 1943. Scott discusses using her car, travelling, and her transfer to Love Field Army Air Base in Dallas, TX.

Letter written by Ethel Scott to her father-in-law, G.M. Scott. Ethel shares about her new baby and the weather on base in Colorado Spring.