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Card to Jeanann Madden from student Josh Green, welcoming her home from Saudi Arabia

Card to Jeanann Madden from Maisha (no last name). Maisha tells her that she doesn't know Jeanann but that she's brave and the other kids have talked about how she's "the best."

MSS397c_card_ Jones,Michelle_page_02.jpg
Card to Jeanann Madden from student Michelle Jones welcoming her home.

Card to Jeanann Madden from student Nichola Seegobin, welcoming her home from Saudi Arabia

Card to Jeanann Madden from student Olivia McCabe, welcoming her home from Iraq.

Hand drawn 'welcome home' card to Jeanann Madden from an unknown student at the school where she taught

Card to Jeanann Madden from student Allen Lord. He says that he doesn't know her but heard that she was in Saudi Arabia and asks if she was helping in a hospital or a POW.

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist from Texas. Graduate of Texas Woman's University.

Clothing and textiles instructor at the College of Industrial Arts (C.I.A.), Denton, 1917-1922. First president of Denton Branch American Association of University Women (AAUW). Active in Business and Professional Women. Married George L. Fritz. Born…