Browse Items (206 total)

Letter to Rema Lou Brown from Sukie White at NASA Houston regarding her help with a new women's week program, March 8, 1978

Letter to Rema Lou Brown from Henry Gonzalez regarding co-sponsorship of Civil Rights Restoration Act, July 23, 1985.

Letter to Rema Lou Brown from Harry Kelso regarding the ERA amendment and rape culture, April 1979

Letter to Rema from Kathy Beard, Manager/Facilitator, April 21, 1982.

Women's Resource Services article including Rema Lou Brown, December 1978.

Letter to Rema Lou Brown from Bill Caraway, congratulating her on being re-elected to the water authority board, May 20, 1975.

Undated letter addressed to Rema Lou Brown and Sandy thanking them for appearing in a class.

The Ebbs and Flow of Bipolar_Installation_reduced.jpg
Artist statement: As a former biology pre-medicine student, I have found scientific illustrations the most beneficial for understanding and retaining information. When researching imagery related to Bipolar Disorder, I noticed a lack of work that…

The Four Stages of Tooth Decay.jpg
Artist statement: When we were discussing tooth decay and how we can incorporate the illness into a piece of artwork, a conversation came up centering around the vastly detailed textbook images of illness progression that you would see in doctors’…

The Sound of Tinnitus_reduced.jpg
Artist statement: This painting visually displays what someone with tinnitus can hear. While the violin is distinguishable, it is blurry similarly to how someone with tinnitus would be able to hear the violin but the ringing in their ears would make…