Browse Items (206 total)

One in Six_reduced.jpg
Artist statement: The primary purpose of the piece is to depict the one in six stroke statistics. The silhouette in the back is supposed to be representative of how the images of an angiogram. also within the composition a dividing line between him…

Cordye Hall writes an open letter to President Ronald Reagan after a recent speech to the U.N. Hall believes the president was lacking in diplomacy and that America has no right to condemn Russia in light of American actions abroad and at home. Ends…

Cordye Hall writes an open letter to President Ronald Reagan about a recent speech Reagan made to the British Parliament in which he expressed his intention to engage in international activities and mentions the CIA. Hall reminds Reagan of the…

Operations Order for Dorothy Scott, Elizabeth Whitlow, and Catherine Vail to transport aircraft from Wichita, Kansas to San Antonio, Texas, June 29, 1943

Artist statement:  I read that osteoporosis can start anywhere from age 35-50, so I chose to go with the low end of 35 for my starting stitches. I started with a single crochet stitch, the shortest one, as bones start out solid. After 15 stitches…

School teacher, club woman, resident of Coleman and Wall, Texas

School teacher, club woman, resident of Coleman and Wall, Texas

School teacher, club woman, resident of Coleman and Wall, Texas