Browse Items (206 total)

MSS716_ Letter_19431206.jpg
Letter to John about rough flight from Montreal to Newark, the terrible weather, and how she just had photos taken which she will send on when she has them.

MSS716_ Letter_19430524.jpg
Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead about an all-night flight to get back to base, the bad weather, and how she needs to sort the newspaper clippings that she's been saving. Also mentions Johns injury and hospitalization.

Bladder Incontinence Front_reduced.png
Artist statement : "Bladder incontinence is a condition mainly seen in women. It is when the bladder muscles become too weak to hold the bladder. On the left inside the trifold you can see 4 different types of incontinence. Stressed, is where the…

Copy of covidcore.png
Artist statement: Given the extensive list of symptoms associated with COVID-19, I decided to emphasize the respiratory and cardiac aspects. As I brainstormed potential designs, it became clear that the artwork must incorporate lungs and a nebulizer.…

What Hypertension Looks Like_reduced.jpg
Artist statement: This piece is representing what it's like to live with hypertension, dealing with high blood pressure everyday. Having to take your blood pressure quite often, going to the doctor frequently. having a limited diet to maintain…

The Aftermath.jpeg
Artist statement: The intention of this piece is to make the viewer feel the aloneness and detachment from reality, while fighting a losing battle. The enlarged diagram of the pancreas is used to educate the mass with a visual of what it actually…

Denver Post article about Cordye Hall's and Carl Brannin's part in the anti-nuclear protest at Comanche Peak

Cordye Hall writes an open letter to President Ronald Reagan about a recent speech Reagan made to the British Parliament in which he expressed his intention to engage in international activities and mentions the CIA. Hall reminds Reagan of the…

Cordye Hall writes to President Ronald Reagan about a recent speech in which he referred to the Russians in unfavorable terms. Hall believes that his words are undiplomatic and will increase world tension. Hall makes suggestions for peaceful…

Cordye Hall writes an open letter to President Ronald Reagan after a recent speech to the U.N. Hall believes the president was lacking in diplomacy and that America has no right to condemn Russia in light of American actions abroad and at home. Ends…