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Sputum Mask_reduced.jpg
Artist statement: The last thing I wanted to create was a propaganda or surface level poster regarding the subject so my main challenge was to create an engaging piece without having it feel like preaching. My approach was to showcase the chaos that…

Shallow thorns_reduced.jpg
Artist statement: The last thing I wanted to create was a propaganda or surface level poster regarding the subject so my main challenge was to create an engaging piece without having it feel like preaching. My approach was to showcase the chaos that…

Managing the Sweet Life (Living with Diabetes).png
Artist statement:In this artwork I displayed Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. I used inspiration from Michaelangelo’s Creation of Adam and Felix-Gonzalez Torres’ Beadworks Collection to create this piece. Since the artwork is going to be exhibited in…

The Dichotomy_reduced.jpg
Artist statement: The artwork created conveys the theme of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) through some visual elements:Dark, Ominous Clouds: The sky in the painting is filled with dark clouds composed of written texts. These clouds…

Copy of Unseen Joint Jolts.jpg
Artist statement: For my piece, The Unseen Joint Jolts, I wanted to highlight how with rheumatoid arthritis it makes it hard to do the most basic tasks. Like brushing your hair as shown in my piece. When I think of Unseen, I think of black lights…

Artist statement:  I read that osteoporosis can start anywhere from age 35-50, so I chose to go with the low end of 35 for my starting stitches. I started with a single crochet stitch, the shortest one, as bones start out solid. After 15 stitches…

Copy of Nothing to be Ashamed of.png
Artist statement: Seborrheic Karatosis is an illness that tends to present itself in aging individuals. It causes skin lesions to grow on the surface of the epidermis, dark in color and rough in texture.Karatosis is benign, meaning it is not…

One in Six_reduced.jpg
Artist statement: The primary purpose of the piece is to depict the one in six stroke statistics. The silhouette in the back is supposed to be representative of how the images of an angiogram. also within the composition a dividing line between him…

Letter sent to Rema Lou Brown by Tom McFarlan? July 11, 1978.

MSS716_ Letter_19430427_page_01.jpg
Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead about WASP graduation, receiving her wings, and an incident with a buzzard that hit her plane while flying from Austin, TX to Houston, TX.