Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead, April 27, 1943


Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead, April 27, 1943


Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead about WASP graduation, receiving her wings, and an incident with a buzzard that hit her plane while flying from Austin, TX to Houston, TX.


McCormick, Margaret E., 1908-1953




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MSS716_ Letter_19430427

Is Part Of

MSS 716c, Margaret McCormick Papers, 1943-1946.

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Mayhead, John

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


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[Across top: Image of dark circle, a white star with wings; 319th Army Air Forces Flying Training Detachment Municipal Airport, Houston, Texas]
April 27, 1943
Dear John:
I really cannot begin to tell you how thrilled I was to receive the beautiful Navy wings. It made me very happy too when I received your telegram.
We graduated from Ellington Field Saturday at 2:30 P.M. There was quite an elaborate ceremony and oodles of publicity. Did you hear anything about the graduation over the radio? Most of my friends heard my name mentioned several times last week. We had some nice pictures in the Houston papers. When I arrived here yesterday found that there had been a picture in the Sunday papers here. Am enclosing one. Hope to get some extras of the ones which appeared Saturday in Houston papers. The write-ups were exceptionally good. Dad and Sadye came down for graduation. There were four newsreels take pictures at Ellington during the exercising. Hope you get to see them.
Vega Johnson and I decided to spend a few days in Jackson with Dad and Sadye. Plan to go to Chicago the latter part of the May 9th. Must report to the C.O. not later than 2400 o’clock May 9th. My base will be 3rd Ferrying Group, Romulus Army Air Base, Rum Romulus, Michigan.
Have not as yet seen in the picture “Happy Go Lucky”, but shall do so at the first opportunity.
You seem to be making a collection of “Margarets”. Was she a blonde, brunette or redhead?
I now have my own silver wings. They are very nice, I think. Ordered an extra pair for you. As soon as they are sent to me will forward to them to you. I was certainly happy when they were pinned on me. Of course I was glad to get my diploma too.
Have so much to write about, but will wait until I get to Chicago. Will be in Chicago until Saturday, May 8th. My address there is 7818 East End Avenue.
You asked how I liked the AT-6s. Well, I feel in love with them. Had quite an experience on one of my cross country trips. To start with they sent us off in stinking weather and some of the girls turned back. Five of us went on through to our destination, but had to spend the night away from our base. The next morning flew to Austin for gasoline and then started for Houston. The ceiling was low so had to fly about 700 or 800 feet all of the way. About ten miles West of Bellville I

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[Across top: Image of dark circle, a white star with wings; 319th Army Air Forces Flying Training Detachment Municipal Airport, Houston, Texas]
felt a jolt and heard a snappning sound. I thought my right wing had decided to fold up. Of course it only took me a few seconds to realize that I had hit a huge black buzzard. The leading edge of my wing was bashed in for nearly two feet. I could see, from the cockpit that it was damaged but had not way of seeing how much. Was afraid this might foul my landing gear as it was so close to it. The bird had just missed my prop and skimmed over to my tail section. They had to put a new wing on the plane. The officers were amazed at the damagee which was done by just hitting a bird. I had my hatch open before the bird got to my tail section thinking it might jam my controls and I was flying so low that there would be no time to mess around if I had to jump.
How do you like Miami? I have had lots of fun there.
If you have time write me at the Chicago address.
As ever,


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McCormick, Margaret E., 1908-1953, “Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead, April 27, 1943,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed September 7, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/200.