Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead, June 1, 1943


Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead, June 1, 1943


Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead about how she failed to mail her last letter to him, how she hopes to take a trip to Miami soon (where John was located at that time), and about a recent dance at a club.


McCormick, Margaret E., 1908-1953




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1 pg.






MSS716_ Letter_19430601

Is Part Of

MSS 716c, Margaret McCormick Papers, 1943-1946.

Accrual Method



Mayhead, John

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


[Across top: Image of a compass on top of the globe; Romulus Army Air Field, Romulus, Michigan]
June 1, 1943
Dear John:
When I was at the base the last time, May 24th, wrote you. Imagine my surprise when I found, upon my return here yesterday, I had failed to mail the letter.
When we left here the 25th took the train to Alliance, Ohio, to pick up some planes. We usually take airliners, but this is only a short run so we rode the train. Am glad we did as I ran into two of your friends. ----- Leslie Durno and Quick. They were enroute to New York.
Went to Salina, Kansas, on the last trip. The temperature there was 102 deg. in the shade. It was really warm.
I may be lucky enough to get a trip to West Palm Beach this week. In fact Sunday was told that I would go there yesterday, but the orders were changed and I do not know where I am going. Several of the girls are taking off for Charlotte today. I am awaiting orders and hoping I will get to Florida.
Spent several hours visiting with my Mother and Sister in Chicago Saturday. Arrived there around 11:00 A.M. and inasmuch as we did not have to report until Sunday morning the flight leader let us stay in Chicago until 4:15 P.M. We were on our way back to the base from Salina.
How soon will your course be completed at Miami? Do you go to New York too when you leave Miami?
There was a formal dance at the club Sunday night. It was nearly midnight before I got there as it was late before we got to the base. We all had to take showers and make ourselves presentable.before making an appearance at the dance. It was given in honor of our new C.O. He seems to be quite nice.
Write and let me know what you are flying etc.
As ever,
[very faded] Margaret
P.S. Lost my fountain pen and have no ink at the barracks so will have to sign with pencil.


MSS716_ Letter_19430601.jpg


McCormick, Margaret E., 1908-1953, “Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead, June 1, 1943,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 26, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/191.