Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead, September 14, 1943


Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead, September 14, 1943


Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead about getting certified for different planes, the posting orders for classmates, and mistakenly calling him "George."


McCormick, Margaret E., 1908-1953




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1 pg.






MSS716_ Letter_19430914

Is Part Of

MSS 716c, Margaret McCormick Papers, 1943-1946.

Accrual Method



Mayhead, John

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


[Across top: Image of a compass on top of the globe; Romulus Army Air Field, Romulus, Michigan]
Sept. 14, 1943
Dear John:
Honestly, I have been just too busy to even write Dad and Mother. Have telephoned them once during the past month.
Had a grand trip to California in an AT-16 (Harvard). Pick the plane up at Montreal and delivered to Los Angeles. Was put on AT-6’s and AT-16’s exclusively.
Know you will be glad to know that I am now in transition. At present am getting checked out on the AT-9. After this will get time in the Hudson – then if I qualify will fly the P-39. Am really looking forward to this. At the moment my highest ambition is to be a peashooter pilot.
Have been to Montreal several times to pick up ships. We are usually in a hurry to get away, although we do get to spent the night there.
Claire received orders yesterday to report to Palm Springs, Calif. The transfer came as a surprise. Franckling and Thompson were also transferred. As yet, do not know the set up.
Vega suffering from hayfever. Am hoping that she will get a nice long trip to California. This will do her good.
If I am still in transition Saturday amd planning to taking SNAFU to Chicago Saturday night and return Sunday night. Dad is arriving there Sunday morning to see a specialist and I ould like to spend the day with him. I might be hundreds of miles away though. One can never tell.
Cannot explain why I called you “George”, unless it could have been that I had been talking with Marion about her friend. She talks about him constantly so I might have had George on the brain.
The Camel Caravan was at our base last night. The night before saw This is The Army. Thought it was very good.
What are you flying now? Are you kept quite busy? I am being kept busy in transition with flying, link, school etc.
Write soon and let me know how you are.
As ever, Margaret
P.S. You will note we are WASP now. (Women’s AIRFORCE Service pilots). It won’t be long there, we heard, before we receive commissions.


MSS716_ Letter_19430914.jpg


McCormick, Margaret E., 1908-1953, “Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead, September 14, 1943,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed September 17, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/190.