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Hand drawn 'welcome home' card to Jeanann Madden from an unknown student at the school where she taught

Card to Jeanann Madden from student Olivia McCabe, welcoming her home from Iraq.

Card to Jeanann Madden from student Nichola Seegobin, welcoming her home from Saudi Arabia

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Card to Jeanann Madden from student Michelle Jones welcoming her home.

Card to Jeanann Madden from Maisha (no last name). Maisha tells her that she doesn't know Jeanann but that she's brave and the other kids have talked about how she's "the best."

Card to Jeanann Madden from student Josh Green, welcoming her home from Saudi Arabia

Card to Jeanann Madden from student David (no last name). He thanks her for "kikin(sic) butt in stinkee(sic) Iraq." Includes a drawing of a man holding an umbrella and saying "oh no" as missles fall towards him.

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Card to Jeanann Maddden from student Bobby Howell. Card says welcome back and that everyone in America is proud of her. Also includes a drawing of what appears to be Saddam Hussein with a missile through his head.

Card to Jeanann Madden from student Andrea Gonzalez, welcoming her home from Saudi Arabia

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Artist statement: The last thing I wanted to create was a propaganda or surface level poster regarding the subject so my main challenge was to create an engaging piece without having it feel like preaching. My approach was to showcase the chaos that…