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Denver Post article about Cordye Hall's and Carl Brannin's part in the anti-nuclear protest at Comanche Peak

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Artist statement: Given the extensive list of symptoms associated with COVID-19, I decided to emphasize the respiratory and cardiac aspects. As I brainstormed potential designs, it became clear that the artwork must incorporate lungs and a nebulizer.…

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Artist statement: This artwork was created using acrylic paints and chalk. In this drawing, I decided to use a bright sky blue instead of a dark blue and also used bright reds for the healthy heart. Whereas with the unhealthy heart I used a dark red…

Cordye Hall, 1945, modeling a Yugoslavian sleeve from wedding dress

Graduation portrait of Cordye Hall.

Cordye Hall at a protest holding a sign that reads, "War is not healthy for children and other living things."


Clothing and textiles instructor at the College of Industrial Arts (C.I.A.), Denton, 1917-1922. First president of Denton Branch American Association of University Women (AAUW). Active in Business and Professional Women. Married George L. Fritz. Born…

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist from Texas. Graduate of Texas Woman's University.

Card to Jeanann Madden from student Allen Lord. He says that he doesn't know her but heard that she was in Saudi Arabia and asks if she was helping in a hospital or a POW.