Inspiration and Research

Step 1: Inspiration for Rascally Ravens of Greystone Farm

My illustrations forĀ Rascally RavensĀ are rooted in my on-going wild life series, inspired by daily observations and my photographs of New England, Mid-western, and Texas landscapes, flora, and fauna.

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Ravens Dancing, excerpt from my wildlife illustration series. Mixed media drawing based on my direct observation of a courting raven couple

Photographic references I took of New England landscapes, documenting various seasons.

Step 2: Drawing Studies and Character Design

After collecting factual information on raven behavior and anatomy, I did sketches from life and credible sources to better understand my subject.

For believability and authenticity, I based the character designs on my drawing studies, research, and direct observation of ravens. I also used contrasts in proportion, size, shape, and color to convey each character's distinct personality.

Step 3: Character Development and Interactions

To get to know my characters, I explored the relationship between the two protagonists, Carmen and Angelo, and staged them interacting in various scenes. These fictional images are based on actual raven behavior.

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Original drawings for Buster and Hattie Join Stick Play

Inspiration and Research