Letter from Frances Keys to Ella Mulkey, May 1, 1941


Letter from Frances Keys to Ella Mulkey, May 1, 1941


Keys, Frances Mulkey, 1916-1987


School teacher, club woman, resident of Coleman and Wall, Texas
Letter from Frances Keys to her mother about her road trip to the east coast with Mildred Beatty, Mrs. Shirley, and Mrs. Bailey. No specific reason is given for the trip but Keys mentions that they will be leaving PA (where they are staying with Mrs. Gale) for Atlantic City the next day and will be back to PA in a week's time.




Keys, Frances, Mulkey; Mulkey, Ella


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4 pgs.







Is Part Of

Frances Mulkey Keys Papers

Accrual Method



Keys, Kay

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204


Dearest Mom,
We arrived in Lansdowne (a section of Philadelphia) about six o’clock last evening. Mrs. Gale brought out your two letters at once, and believe me I was glad to get them. Mildred Beaty had a letter from George, but Mrs. Shirley didn’t have a thing. We’ve ridden so hard this week (about five hundred miles every day) that I didn’t have time to write more than a postcard. Would you believe it - we went to bed about seven o’clock and got up and off every morning by 5 o’clock. This let us very little time for anything but eating and bathing. Our overnight stops were made at very nice tourist camps. It was rather cool going through the mountains, but my clothes are very suitable. I haven’t gotten cold at all.
Yesterday we came over the most beautiful highway - The Super Turnpike of Pennsylvania. It cost $1.45 for us and the car but it was worth it. It is 165 miles long with four lanes, seven tunnels, and no crossroads. You are allowed to drive as fast as you wish but we didn’t drive over 55 miles an hour. We’ve had good luck with the car and I hope it continues.
This is a grand group to be with. Miss Beaty or Mildred is really cute and a grand sport, and I like her a lot. Mrs. Baily is very charming. She is a native of England and talks so beautifully. She is about 50 yrs. old, a divorcee with two grown children, and a very good looking woman. I’ve never known anyone just like her. Of course, Mrs. Shirley is swell, too.
Mom, I’m so glad you went on to San Antonio. I wonder if you went to Port Arthur, too. I think Mrs. Shirley is certainly sweet to want us to visit us. I’ll send her a card soon.
When I was in Ft. Worth I tried to get Grandmother but the line was always busy. I did get Aunt Eleanor but the line was always busy and she gave me her sister’s address in New York. I’ll look her up if we possibly have time.
We are going to Atlantic City this afternoon and will come back here the last of the week. If all goes according to plan we’ll leave for home a week from this coming Wednesday.
I must run now and go sightseeing with Mrs. Gale (Her husband is the captain of a big sphip in the U.S. Navy.)
Wish you could peep in on me today

Love to everybody,




“Letter from Frances Keys to Ella Mulkey, May 1, 1941,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 27, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/259.