Letter from Ethel Scott to her father-in-law, March 21, 1944.


Letter from Ethel Scott to her father-in-law, March 21, 1944.


Letter written by Ethel Scott to her father-in-law, G.M. Scott. Ethel shares about her new baby and the weather on base in Colorado Spring.


Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943
Dorothy Scott joined the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) in 1942. Stationed at New Castle Army Air Base and with the 5th Ferrying Squadron at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Died in 1943 while in Pursuit training. Edward Scott was Dorothy Scott's twin brother and he married Ethel Scott on January 10, 1943.




Scott, Ethel; Scott, G.M.; Scott, Edward


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3 pg., front and back







Is Part Of

MSS 600c, Dorothy F. Scott Papers

Spatial Coverage

Vault A


Scott, Edward

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


317 East Yassa
Colo. Spgs., Colo.

Mr. G. M. Scott

Colo. Springs, Colo.
March 21, 1944

Dear Dad,
Well, I’m going to start this letter now but it may or may not get finished today. It seems to depend mostly on “Baby Dumpling’s” wishes. Bath time is the next in line and is due just 10 minutes from now. After that it's feeding- etc. etc.
Its supposed to be spring, but upon glancing

out the window, I’m convinced that its still winter. It has been snowing steadily since about 3 P.M. yesterday. Now the wind is blowing too. Am wondering if Ed got stuck in a snow bank on his way out to the base this morning. However, think I would be safe in betting that he didn’t.
Have you ever received any description at all on the newcomers’s looks? Will try to give you a fairly accurate description of him. His hair is the exact color of Ed’s. His eyes at the present time are on the border- trying to decide whether to be brown or blue. They are what you might call a dark “flinty” color. His

complexion is very light. He really seems to have a very nice disposition- along with a little temper. It hardly seems possible that he will be a month old this Friday.
How do you like the sun lamp by this time? Here’s hoping it does the job.
Now, I’m getting a little worried over Ed’s health. He isn't at all

well. I think, frankly, that he still has this sinus trouble that is poisoning his whole system- along with bad tonsils. He says that he is going for a check up at the base and see what the trouble is. It might not be a bad idea for him to try one of the civilian doctors. He never seems to feel bad in any one spot. It's just a general

rundown feeling and being tired all the time.
Guess I’ll have to take back what I said about Ed’s not getting stuck. He called at 10:15 A.M. and said he had just gotten to the officer’s quarters. Maybe you’ll remember that they are just about an ⅛ of a mile from the main gate. He left the house at 8:30 this morning. It seems that the snow is drifting about 6’ high. Here’s hoping he gets back to town alright tonight.
Last night we went to see a show “Corvette-K-225.” It was a story about the convoys between

Canada and England. It gave us a pretty good idea about what Don is up against.
This is all for now.
Ethel, Ed &
Baby Dumpling




Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943 and Dorothy Scott joined the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) in 1942. Stationed at New Castle Army Air Base and with the 5th Ferrying Squadron at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Died in 1943 while in Pursuit training. Edward Scott was Dorothy Scott's twin brother and he married Ethel Scott on January 10, 1943., “Letter from Ethel Scott to her father-in-law, March 21, 1944.,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 26, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/123.