Letter, Jan. 5, 1943


Letter, Jan. 5, 1943


Letter written from Dorothy Scott to her father on January 5, 1943. Scott discusses using her car, travelling, and her transfer to Love Field Army Air Base in Dallas, TX.


Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943




Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943


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6 x 9 in.; 2 pgs., front and back







Is Part Of

MSS 600c, Dorothy F. Scott Papers

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Vault A

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Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


Hotel Dale
Theres no Better Address
Coffeyville, Kansas

Mr. Q. M. Scott

Dear Dad:
Most of my worries are over. I've gotten the car here all o.k. and will leave it for Ed. It has all worked out very well for all concerned. Ed was the car much closer and at less expense. I've been able to get most of my traveling done via car and all expenses paid, and my co-pilot, Betsy, gets her car here and sees her family.

We were given travel orders and gas coupsons- nine- eachgood for one tank full, so we really ran it low each time. I'm able to

leave Ed 3/4 tank and 12 extra gallons and still have enough to get Betsy and I to Dallas easily and some to spare. Ed will be able to get gas extra to go to Colo. Sprs. so everything's rosy.
this [sic] Dallas transfer came as a complete surprise, but we know it was quite an honor to be the ones selected to go to the most important base for WAFS now and to go first. We don't know what we're in for, but it seems like twin-engine school and all heavier planes.
Among ferry pilots Dallas seems like the favorite field so we are hoping to like it too. I guess we'll stay in nurses quarters vacated for us.
the [sic] trip to here was via WAshington D.C. We got there in the evening and did get a hotel room (only $7- for two) and saw the capitol and white house dimly

and Wash. monument in the distance next A.M. on leaving. We got thru the Ohio flood area with only two detours- not bad- and saw much of the havoc created. It was quite a new sight to see the tops of trees and floating houses.
Oh yes, I meant to tell you, "gov. expense" means 4 cents per mile and $6.- a day expense money. That will just about cover it and is worth more just the experience and getting to take my car. We had to make only 250 mi per day so we drove more and are taking

our extra day here.
Financially speaking, you'd never think I was earning any money the way I've been writing checks, but I wanted to pay off my NCAAB bills and uniform, and needed cash for running on until pay-day so I guess I've really socked it to you.
I want to send you about 50- a month until I get caught up and will when I get paid my travel money. Dec. check I'm using now and Ed's & Ethel's gift.
Do Ed & Ethel expect to get an apartment? If so I reckon they'll really be able to use the car.
Isn't everything just wonderful!


5th ferry group
Love field
Dallas, Texas




Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943, “Letter, Jan. 5, 1943,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed October 23, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/122.