Nothing to be Ashamed of, 2024


Nothing to be Ashamed of, 2024


Cervical cancer


Artist statement:

Seborrheic Karatosis is an illness that tends to present itself in aging individuals. It causes skin lesions to grow on the surface of the epidermis, dark in color and rough in texture.
Karatosis is benign, meaning it is not cancerous and causes no health risks. Treatments exist but they aren’t strictly necessary as the only real effect of the illness is a cosmetic one.
It is for these reasons I have made the artwork as it stands. The illustration shown an elderly woman having a nice night out, she is at dinner with her husband and is wearing a dress she feels comfortable in. Her illness is visible, yet nobody is causing her grief over it and she is able to enjoy herself. The message I wanted to convey is that Seborrheic Karatosis is nothing to be ashamed of or to worry over, and that nobody should be thought less of for having it.

Medical description:

In a more pathological perspective, Rheumatoid Arthritis is characterized by immune-mediated inflammatory activation of the body. It works by mistakenly attacking its own synovial lining of the joint, by the thickening of the synovium, and by its cartilage and bone involvement. Rheumatoid Arthritis signs and symptoms include bilateral aching pain, stiffness, tenderness, and swelling at multiple joints, weight loss, nodule formation on fingers, fatigue, and weakness. Overall motility of a patient is compromised as they might have difficulty walking up and down stairs, brushing their teeth/hair, turning a doorknob, etc. Most everyday activities and tasks become much more difficult. Aging Rheumatoid Arthritis patients should engage in gentle activities, like low-impact exercises, and may benefit from physical therapy to boost joint flexibility and strength while easing pain. Older adults must be educated to visit a rheumatologist to receive medications (DMRADs) and to comply with their medications to prevent flare ups.


Moser, Kylee




Weldetensae, Luelya; Rangel, Briana; Facio, Leslie; Rivera, Sidney


In Copyright- This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights.


Digital illustration ; print : 8.5 x 11 in.


Copy of Nothing to be Ashamed of.png


Moser, Kylee, “Nothing to be Ashamed of, 2024,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed September 18, 2024,