Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead, September 12, 1945


Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead, September 12, 1945


Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead about the lack of entertainment in Wichita Falls, an upcoming WASP reunion in Dallas, and her eager new commanding officer.


McCormick, Margaret E., 1908-1953




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5 pgs.






MSS716_ Letter_19451209

Is Part Of

MSS 716c, Margaret McCormick Papers, 1943-1946.

Accrual Method



Mayhead, John

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


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Sept. 12th
Dear John:
During the past week we have had the most wonderful weather in this part of the country. Do not know how long it will last though.
It is now doubtful as to whether I will get a furlough on the 18th. There are only six control tower operators here now. Unless they ship in two or three more pronto I will have to wait.
There isn’t very much to do in this little Mid-Western town. We go to town for dinner and a movie once or twice a week, although we get newer pictures at the base theatre.
My Sister Louise returned to Chicago last Sunday. She and her husband were in Wisconsin all summer.

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There has been quite a lot of flying at SHAAF this past weeks so have been kept busy when on duty.
Am taking some of the fellows for an airplane ride Sunday. We are renting a plane at the municipal airport for the afternoon.
The WASP are having a reunion at Dallas, Texas, November 3rd and 4th. Maybe things will turn out so I can get there at least for one day. Would like to see my flying pals again. Of course I correspond with a few of the girls, but it is impossible to keep in touch with all of them.
[?] people seem to have gone mad since the war ended. Suppose you have been reading about the strikes we are having. The telephone employers ever went on strike for higher wages. I believe in organized labor if handled intelligently but I am absolutely against strikers.
The industries are busy reconverting their plants to peace time production. With strikes to contend with and the reconversion work, they have their hands full.
Did you read the article in Reader’s Digest, Sept. issue, entitled “Eight things to do about the Soviet Union”? I thought it was very good.

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Went to the show the other night and saw “The Dolly Sisters”, starring Betty Grable. It was in technicolor and a fair picture. I thought it was a bit long tho. After the show we dropped in at the Club for hamburgers and Coke. Exciting evening!
Edith’s (one of the girls in my section of the barracks) family sent her a box of goodies. The box contained tuna, crab meat, lobster, several kinds of cheese, anchovies, relish, olives, wafers, cookies etc. We had a regular feast in the barracks last night.
We have a new C.O. He is certainly an eager beaver. He had breakfast and in our mess hall yesterday morning at 0700. He flew one of the P-63s yesterday and did a beautiful job. Was surprised as he is quite

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I had another very nice write-up in the paper here.
Do you still like American cigarettes? Remember you liked Chesterfields. Had several cartons returned to me which I had mailed to you from various places in the States when with the WASP.
We have a large number of Italian and German P.W.s here. See them working the base. The boys say that the German prisoners eat nearly a whole loaf of bread with each meal.
It looks like I will be here awhile longer. Dear old “Smokey Hill Army Air Field, Salina, Kansas” –
They are now granting 45-day furloughs to people who are non-essential and who do not have enough

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points to get out. I do not have enough points to get out and am considered essential so no 45 day furlough for me. It looks as though I will not get the 15-day furlough I applied for.
There are rumors that we will all be discharged by Dec. 15th. Of course there are often rumors that it will be March [before?] we are out. Time will tell.
I am looking forward to visiting New Zealand one of these days when things are back to normal, and hope you plan on returning to the States for a long visit. You are always welcome at my homes. (I consider my Sisters place in Chicago home too)
Write soon. How did you find everything at home when you returned? Know you have been seeing old friends. It must have been a wonderful feeling to get back after being away for such a long time.
The snapshot I took didn’t turn out too good, but am having prints made. Will send you a couple the next time I write.
As ever,


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McCormick, Margaret E., 1908-1953, “Letter from Margaret McCormick to John Mayhead, September 12, 1945,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 27, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/193.