Letter from Cordye Hall to President Ronald Reagan, February 19, 1983


Letter from Cordye Hall to President Ronald Reagan, February 19, 1983


Hall, Cordye; Reagan, Ronald Wilson, 1911-2004; Cold War; Russia; Marshall, George C. (George Catlett), 1880-1959; Adelman, Kenneth, 1946-


Cordye Hall writes to President Ronald Reagan about a recent speech in which he referred to the Russians in unfavorable terms. Hall believes that his words are undiplomatic and will increase world tension. Hall makes suggestions for peaceful negotiations.


Hall, Cordye


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Dallas, Texas
February 19, 1983

President Ronald Reagan
White House
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:
When you stood at the microphone and broadcast to the world that the Russians are dishonest, liars, cheats and respond only to force, you disqualified your self as a negotiator. You might think the things you said, but no public official with an ounce of deplomacy would say them.
Your remarks to the British Parliament…..we are “waging a campaign to sell democratic institutions to deposit Communism on the ash heap of history” (shades of Kruchev’s ‘we will bury you’) only lead to world tension, especially when accompanied by your remarks and those of Weinberger that a nuclear war is winnable.
There are hopeful signs coming from Russia that an advance toward Peace can be accomplished IF the right person is sent to negotiate. Kenneth Adelman does not qualify in the opinion of many.
A psychologists from each country to sit in on the negotiations would be valuable.
Gen. George Marshall, listening to two bigshots, one from each country (the U.S. and the U.S.S.R) said to his companion, “Listen to those two - they are not trying to understand each other – each is trying to outdo the other.” Too much of that kind of behavior has brought us to bankruptcy and the brink of destruction.
I am sincere,
(Ms) Cordye Hall

Original Format

paper, typed




Hall, Cordye, “Letter from Cordye Hall to President Ronald Reagan, February 19, 1983,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 27, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/119.

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