Letter from Caro Brown to Maurine (no last name), undated


Letter from Caro Brown to Maurine (no last name), undated


Brown, Caro


Pulitzer Prize winning journalist from Texas. Graduate of Texas Woman's University.
Letter from Caro Brown to Maurine (no last name). Mentions that she is sending materials to Maurine but says that she doens't have much as she didn't save any clippings and the newspaper where she worked burned down in 1966. she inquires about Maurine's new school year and says that Duval is quiet because most of the citizenry is "in the pen or under indictment." She briefly discusses her introduction to the reporting that gained her the Pullitzer Prize and how fast and tense that period was and how unprepared she felt.


Brown, Caro; Maurine


Materials may not be used without permission. For more information, contact us at (940) 898-3751 or womenshistory@twu.edu.


1 pg.







Is Part Of

MSS 044, Caro Brown Papers

Accrual Method



Sparks, Mary K.

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


Dearest Maurine –
Please forgive me for not taking care of this matter long ago, but the truth is that this summer has been just too much for me. We have record-breaking heat, day after day, and even staying inside with aircondition doesn’t cure the problem.
I am sending as much as I have available here, and hoping that in a little time I can pay Larry another visit, and look up some clippings that might be of help to you. They are hard to find, as I didn’t take time to keep them, and the paper burned in 1966, destroying all the old files. I am going to the Alice Library, which has micro-films, and look up certain copies, which will help me when I go to Larry.
I hope your school year is starting out well. I don’t see how you get around to all the things you have to do. Does the journalism department put out a daily paper? If they do, please send me a copy. Everything is relatively quiet in Duval these days. A large part of the citizenry is either in the pen, or under indictment. Last week, Archer’s former attorney resigned from the state bar association to forestall further court action. I have an idea that the quiet isn’t the result of the remorse or a sudden attack of morality, but that the coffers are bare, and a new group is waiting for the right time to combine forces for the next move.
Hope you have time to get on with your project, but just can’t see how you can, with all you have to do.
My best,
[Handwritten] Caro
The 1952 stories (the “mistake killing” of Buddy Floyd, were the first real reporting assignments for me, and the pressure was terrific. Things happened so fast, feelings were so tense in both counties…. there was no time to read my copy… just start gathering the latest happenings and run for the typewriter… I just tremble when I think how unprepared I was…





“Letter from Caro Brown to Maurine (no last name), undated,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 26, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/235.