Letter to Caro Brown from Pearl Neas, May 18, 1955


Letter to Caro Brown from Pearl Neas, May 18, 1955


Brown, Caro


Pulitzer Prize winning journalist from Texas. Graduate of Texas Woman's University.
Letter to Caro Brown from Pearl Neas at Southwestern University, congratulating her on winning the Pulitzer prize and inviting her to come speak with new journalism students in the fall.




Brown, Caro; Neas, Pearl


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1 pg.







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MSS 044, Caro Brown Papers

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Sparks, Mary K.

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


Southwestern University
Georgetown, Texas
PEARL A. NEAS May 18, 1955

Mrs. Caro Brown
Alice, Texas

Dear Mrs. Brown:
Please allow me to add my congratulations upon your signal honor. Southwestern University is always happy to hear from its former students and you may be certain that we are especially happy over your Pulitzer Prize. I have read many of your stories but did not know until quite recently that you were a Caro Crawford who was a student here in 1928-1929. This was first brought to my attention by the article in the Houston Chronicle, which was written after you passed through that city on your way to New Orleans. Some of my friends have been kind enough to send me clippings from the Chronicle, including this story and also the one written by Morris Frank.
In 1950, because I have some printers ink for blood and being constantly interested in the field of journalism, I established on this campus a national honor society in journalism, Pi Delta Epsilon. When we had our initiation last week, I told the members of your signal honor and pointed out that you were an ex-student of Southwester. They were excited over the fact that a former student of their college had won such great distinction. They immediately suggested that I invite you to come back and share with our students some of your interesting experiences. That will be one of our first items of consideration when we resume work in the fall. I am just serving notice on you that I want a date with you early in the school year. You will hear further from us about a specific date. We should like for you to keep the matter in mind and plan to give us the pleasure of having you on our campus for a speaking engagement.
Many things have been happening at Southwester since you were a student here. I think you will be interested in the folder, which I am sending you under separate cover. Since the folder was printed, the four items listed to be under construction are definitely under construction now.
I was interested to note that your first newspaper experience was under Curtis Vincent. He is an old friend and I think very highly of his ability.
With heartiest congratulations and best wishes for your continued success,
Sincerely yours,
[Handwritten] Pearl A. Neas

Pearl A. Neas





“Letter to Caro Brown from Pearl Neas, May 18, 1955,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed September 7, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/230.