Letter from Margaret Gleason, to the Department of Household Arts faculty, January 14, 1921


Letter from Margaret Gleason, to the Department of Household Arts faculty, January 14, 1921


Fritz, Edna Ingels, 1892-1982
College of Industrial Arts; Texas Woman's University;
Fashion; Stunts; Faculty
Universities and colleges--Faculty


Clothing and textiles instructor at the College of Industrial Arts (C.I.A.), Denton, 1917-1922. First president of Denton Branch American Association of University Women (AAUW). Active in Business and Professional Women. Married George L. Fritz. Born October 15, 1892. Died July 26, 1982.
Letter dated January 14, 1921 from Margaret Gleason of the Department of Household to the department members explaining that they'd be resposible for putting together a "stunt" for the CIA faculty's quarterly entertainment. Edna was named to the committee responsible.


Fritz, Edna Ingels
Gleason, Margaret




Materials may not be used without permission. For further information, please contact (940) 898-3751 or womenshistory@twu.edu;




8.5 x 11 typed letter with thick bluish ink.


Text/Documents; University Archives; Manuscripts;



Is Part Of

MSS 031c, Edna Ingels Fritz Papers.

Spatial Coverage

Denton (Tex.)

Accrual Method



Fritz, John

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


Department of Household
Margaret Gleason

January 14, 1921

To Members of H. A. Department:
At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council held last night, it was decided that it would be imperative that the Faculty use the Auditorium two weeks from to-day, January 14, for thri [sic] quartlerly entertainment. The only available suggestion was that of stunts.
Each one of the departments is to be responsible for on act which shall be twenty to thirty minutes long, the Fine Arts, Music, Literary, Physical Training and the H. A. Departments. In order to facilitate the work, I have appointed the following Committee: Misses Ingels, Chapman Beers and Spearman. All suggestions should be referred to this Committee.
Each member of the department should feel a responsibility for make a success of this venture. the first meeting will be held this afternoon, Saturday in Room H. 306 at 4:30 o'clock. Please do not let anything interfere with attending this meeting. The limited time for preparation demand that each one of us arrange to give all our spare time to this undertaking. I am especially desirous of putting on a satisfactory stunt because since I have been here, I have never assisted in the is way. Out of our large department, we should be able to do our share.
In addition to the student which we arrange, it will probably be necessary for us to assist in other ways and it is my desire that each ofe [sic] should do what ever she can to help make a success of this performance.
I hope that each one will be willing to co-operate in every possible way. Let us work for a happy, jpyous time even tho [sic] the work does add to our duties.

Yours truly,
Margaret Gleason




Fritz, Edna Ingels and Gleason, Margaret, “Letter from Margaret Gleason, to the Department of Household Arts faculty, January 14, 1921,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 26, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/165.