Letter, Feb. 13, 1943


Letter, Feb. 13, 1943


Letter written from Dorothy Scott to her father on January 5, 1943. Scott discusses using her car, travelling, and her transfer to Love Field Army Air Base in Dallas, TX.


Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943
Dorothy Scott joined the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) in 1942. Stationed at New Castle Army Air Base and with the 5th Ferrying Squadron at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Died in 1943 while in Pursuit training.




Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943


Materials may not be used without permission. For further information, please contact (940) 898-3751 or womenshistory@twu.edu


6 x 9 in.; 2 pgs., front and back







Is Part Of

MSS 600c, Dorothy F. Scott Papers

Spatial Coverage

Vault A


Scott, Edward

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


Dear Dad:
At last- I'm flying again. Wednesday I was put back on flying status, and I was receiving congratulations from nearly everyone. thursday A.M. I reported in and started being checked out. 1 hour and 45 minutes later I soloed and that afternoon and the next day flew 5 solo hours. I'd been grounded so long that just that wore me out 100%. Afterward I was told by my check pilot that the head officer had asked "Are you sure she can handle it?" - "I'm positive" he answered, but the head guy went out anyway and watched me! Horrors, I'm glad I didn't know until afterwards. He said I did fine. (you see, 3 hours
dual is required and they counted my 1:20 time a month ago in it.
It was wonderful to be flying again, I just sat up then feeling sorry for the people below me.
I flew to a neighboring field to shoot some landings and had a good time changing radio stations and calling in. The tower there must have fallen over at hearing a girl's voice because a little later I heard "Army 214 from Hensley tower, what is the pilots name please?"- "Dorothy Scott WAFS," I answered, and did not ask "why?"
One funny thing happened on my first solo. I taxiid [sic] out to the waiting runway behind a B25 and alongside a flock of Bt's like mine. Well, I wanted to find out if I should stay behind the B25 or go to the Bt side so I
called the tower and said "Dallas tower from Army 214- on runway" and got told "Army 214 cleared for take-off." - wow! "Holy cats!" I answered, "I'm stuck behind all these planes!" They didn't answer, just cleared another ship. (All planes can hear all the tower says, tower gets planes, but no plane to plane hearing) Now I'm snarter but I'll bet the tower was thinking- dumb women!
Anyway, now I'm waiting for orders for my first trip, and will likely go out Monday. The catch is that the rest of the girls are today starting to check out in AT6's, but I can't because I have to have some trips first, so one of the girls and I will go on trips next week then it'll be AT9's for me too.
My shoulder did a bit of aching from unaccustomed use but its o.k.
My link time is stopped temporarily because of a rush on South American pilots (shh.) but I'll get in some every chance I get.
I'm glad you got to fly again some, what "accident" happened?
I'll send you a bank card soon for you to sign, not that I have much money, but it's adding up. My 10% bonds were discontinued when I was transferred but you should have one for Dec. I'll buy again when I get enough ahead to keep a balance.
Some L.A. kids have written after seeing "look," and now we hear we're to be the subject of a movie too-


stationary & present (xmas)
Ehtel is Ed's age.

I'm going to take PE. 10 (Hygiene) by extention. Diploma or bust!




Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943 and Dorothy Scott joined the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) in 1942. Stationed at New Castle Army Air Base and with the 5th Ferrying Squadron at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Died in 1943 while in Pursuit training., “Letter, Feb. 13, 1943,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 27, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/140.