Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, February 23, 1943


Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, February 23, 1943


Letter written by Dorothy Scott to her father on February 23, 1943. Scott discusses landing at a new base and excitement over their being female pilots, and flights back to Dallas.


Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943
Dorothy Scott joined the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) in 1942. Stationed at New Castle Army Air Base and with the 5th Ferrying Squadron at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Died in 1943 while in Pursuit training.




Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943


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3 pgs., front and back







Is Part Of

MSS 600c, Dorothy F. Scott Papers

Spatial Coverage

Vault A


Scott, Edward

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


D. Scott WAFS
Love Field
Dallas, Texas.

Mr. Q. M. Scott

Feb. 23, 1943
Dear Pop:

I must hurry and tell you about my trip yesterday. It’s hard to believe so much fun could be in so little time. First, in the morning another girl and I were put on orders, just us two. We got all cleared etc. and carried box lunches (courtesy Red Cross) and went to our planes. Well, first thing off is our radios were a new type and no one hardly knew the answer either so we sent for a “radio” officer. Who should show up but Kibbey—the boy (short & fat) who used to teach with me in Pullman! He was going there in an L2B! (and he didn’t know radio either)
Anyway, we figured it out ourselves by guess-and-gosh, and took off. I did all the navigating and had enough to do what with trying to find the right beam. Nothing exciting

happened but just the routine flying was wonderful. After 3 hours we got to our destination and had a new radio trouble. I got their tower but had too much static, and Floreen [sic] didn't get them at all so we came in anyway by watching traffic.
We landed and taxiid [sic] in and before we could get out of our shils we were mobbed. It seems they could hear me fine and knew it was girls, so it being a new and somewhat remote post, it created considerable excitement.
The personel [sic] in charge fell all over themselves trying to help us and we were "dated up for the rest of the week in five minutes."
However we asked for bus schedules and figured on a 7:15 one (it was 5 then). In the intermission we were escorted to the officers club and mess. During dinner we couldn't eat a bite for being introduced so much and talked to.
During dinner our "private escorts" a major and a captain, said we couldn't leave so soon so they'd fly us

to Memphis, Tenessee so we could catch an airline home at 11 instead of 4 A.M.
Swish! Before we knew it, it was all planned. With a few minutes to kill then, the Airdrome Officer "checked me out in a moto sckooter [sic]" and we two went tearing all over the posts bumpy roads in scooters.
Then we climbed into Bt's again (different ones) Major & Floreen vs Capt. & I. To do it up right we made a formation take off between smudge pots lining the runways. Remember, it was night! Oh pop, I'll never in all my life forget that ride! There we were nearly touching the next plane and guided only by small lights and the flare of the exhaust.
I was so busy watching the next plane that for a moment I forgot to look around, but soon I did, and the rapidly fading field looked like a million small fires.

We cruised in close formation for quite a ways, then we separated some. All of a sudden- swish, and we were in a snap roll! I thanked--- I'd tightened my belt but did it even more, and from there to Memphis I had troubles telling when we were right side up and when we weren't. Loops, slow rolls, Immelmens, and everything else kept me plenty on the jump. I've never had such a ride. It was a very clear night but dark so the stars above looked a lot like the small clearing fires below and I had to check the instruments to believe anything.
After some time we approached Memphis and that was a sight! From afar it looked like a patch rug painted with luminous paint, and as we drew near it goet brighter and more definite. We cames right over it at 6000' and spiraled down. All too soon we landed and shocked the natives by walking into the

terminal with flying suits on and a couple of handsome officers. They stayed with us until plane time. When it drew up, who should step out but Mrs. Love returning from Wash. D.C.!
After that night ride anything else was anti-climax, so even my first airliner ride was a bit faded. It was too much like being inside a bus, but the worst part was on the ground I kept doing the pilot's work for him: taxiing, reving [sic] the motors, calling the tower, etc. and when what I thought was happening didn't like with the ships performance I felt awfully disturbed.
Once in the air it was pretty tame and every one slept nearly. We got to Dallas about 2:30 A.M. dead tired and we did some fast work getting to bed.
Now that that story's told I'll ask you to send it to Ed or Don 'cause I couldn't write it again.

For mere trivia, I'll explain I've got about 15 hours link time but couldn't get a "soup ticket" without real plane time that I can't get. I'm getting extra link time every chance though and it pays.
The At6 problem is still unsolved, but maybe I'll get my 5 Bt trips in in time to catch up with the girls I hope. (Oh yes, my navigation was good too) (on the trip)
Your "joke" is going to backfire because I'm really going to ask you to pay my income tax. I can't get off any day until 5 and so can't go down town and don't know how anyway.
I made 200 a month for two months (Sept 15 to Nov 15) and then 250 & about 50 for NCAAB Ferry Command. It adds to just over the minimum but shouldn't be much. I'll even send you a check for the amount.

Don't mention names or places to people please.

Thanks Pop




Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943 and Dorothy Scott joined the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) in 1942. Stationed at New Castle Army Air Base and with the 5th Ferrying Squadron at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Died in 1943 while in Pursuit training., “Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, February 23, 1943,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 27, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/139.