Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, March 6, 1943


Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, March 6, 1943


Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, G.M. Scott on March 6, 1943. Scott discusses a trip that took her through Jackson, Mississippi, Montgomery, Alabama, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Houston, Texas


Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943
Dorothy Scott joined the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) in 1942. Stationed at New Castle Army Air Base and with the 5th Ferrying Squadron at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Died in 1943 while in Pursuit training.




Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943; Scott, G.M.


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2 pgs., front and back







Is Part Of

MSS 600c, Dorothy F. Scott Papers

Spatial Coverage

Vault A


Scott, Edward

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


D. Scott WASP
5th ferry group
Love Field
Dallas, Texas.

Mr. G. M. Scott

Dear Dad:
I’ve just finished another wonderful trip. Weather cleared Wednesday so after wrestling with cold engines and colder hands we got going. Boy! It was cold- about 15° on the ground. We all wore our heavy flying jackets and boots and were grateful for the hatch cover. The cabin heater was effective by name only- no heat.
We landed first in Jackson and stayed over night (R.O.N.) We stayed at a nice hotel and saw a movie, and then Helen and I got the giggles and laughed so much the girls in the next room called us to be quiet. We needed excitement so we called long distance to the fellows we know here in Dallas and woke them out of a sound sleep. Then we

ordered ice cream but couldn’t get it- dam it.
The next day we flew to our delivery point- again too cold, and I did the navigating and did fine. It was nice to look out and see 3 more Bt’s in formation with me. Formation flying is lots of fun but keeps you busy so we fly pretty far apart most of the time. All the way it was quite smokey and got real bad close in so we drug the “iron beam” in.
We caught an airliner in Montgomery and flew to New Orleans where weather closed in and we had to wait until 3 A.M. to go out again. There we “saw the town” with the rest of the passengers (7 more ferry pilots!) and did we do it up brown. First we got hotel rooms- but no one slept- and then cruised the town.

We went to the old French quarter for dinner and it was as good eating as it claimed for it. I had grilled trout.
Then we walked around looking at historical spots and then to a night club- where, nothing daunted, we danced in slacks until 2 A.M. when we returned to the field.
We loaded in Houston at 6 A.M. and immediately confiscated the benches and fell asleep. We looked like the county morgue. I slept an hour and then ate with some of the fellows and there talked to the girls who are in training there to be future WASP (they hope) there are about 200 there now and in 4 classes. The top class is in Bt’s now and will go on up before long (but we will be too) they won’t finish before may I guess.

We took off again about 10:30 and got back to Dallas about 1:00 after flying over a beautiful overcast. It didn’t take us long to get to sleep and I woke up at 6 and went to a movie with Paul and now it’s the next day and we’re waiting for a visiting general.
This general will be in tomorrow so today the post C.O.’s walked in unexpectedly to inspect our quarters. Thank goodness they were pretty neat except for flying equipment too prominent for their liking,
Here’s my tax paper and I’m deeply grateful- I’m now working on my U. course- study again.

My tax must be 24.00
Use a check amt.




Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943 and Dorothy Scott joined the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) in 1942. Stationed at New Castle Army Air Base and with the 5th Ferrying Squadron at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Died in 1943 while in Pursuit training., “Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, March 6, 1943,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 27, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/136.