Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, March 25, 1943


Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, March 25, 1943


Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, G.M. Scott on March 25, 1943. Scott discusses weather delays, soloing in an AT-6, riding in a B-25, and entertaining a reporter.


Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943
Dorothy Scott joined the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) in 1942. Stationed at New Castle Army Air Base and with the 5th Ferrying Squadron at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Died in 1943 while in Pursuit training.




Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943; Scott, G.M.


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3 pgs., front and back







Is Part Of

MSS 600c, Dorothy F. Scott Papers

Spatial Coverage

Vault A


Scott, Edward

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


D. Scott WAFS
5th s.q.
Love field
Dallas, Tex

Mr. Q. M. Scott

Dear Dad:
It seems like I’ve skipped several days since writing last.
We’ve been on orders all this week to take At6’s east but the weather has been just fierce. It rained awfully hard last nite[sic], and when I stepped from the sidewalk to the street getting into Penn’s car I went in up to my knees. Driving home we were about floundered all the way. Parts of the streets were over a foot under water.
Last Saturday I got in my solo AT6 time and did a fine job, for which I was

I was grateful because I hadn’t been any too pleased about my dual work – but it was only because of a conflict of flying technique.
After getting in an hour-and-a-half solo I went to the link again – but took my chute with me since it was en-route home. I’ve been living it down ever since & the only pilot to wear a chute in a link. (I got a top grade too)
Then at lunch the same day I talked a captain into a ride so Florene and I spent the afternoon riding in the nose of a B25. It was quite exciting and at last I can say I’ve attained my goal of being a “hostess on a bomber” because I passed out gum and

water to the crew. It was just a local hop of repeated landings and take-offs for checking out new pilots. It’s really something to lie on your face peering down thru glass at that ground coming up fast.
Saturday nite was another dance which was lots of fun, and kept me up late enough to enjoy a leisurely Sunday doing nothing but eat a steak dinner with Paul and listen to the radio programs.

Monday we were put on orders but weather has held us here all these days. It'll be nice to fly AT6’s on trips because they’ll cruise at about 175-oh boy! It’s funny tho [sic]

how speed means nothing but a figure on estimating arrival time and fewer refuel stops. What I like is working all the extra gadgets.

Our commanding officer has finally returned from an extended trip to South American and we’re glad to have him back – his subordinates are jerks. Best tho, we heard via the grapevine that since we’re doing so well we’ll be put on twin-engine stuff right soon- and do I like that!

It has seemed to me that all single-engine stuff is pretty simple, pursuits and all, but twin-engine flying is a real job because of the change in such a plane’s job – that of cargo carrying and more people.

There are now four nurses here so we no longer enjoy the blessings of having everything like we want it. Our own barracks are now being built – slowly-and-not-too-surely – so it’ll be a great day when we get into our own.

Yesterday we were visited by a National Geographic reporter who we entertained by dragging her around in the rain. Her story should be pretty good.
We’ve been dressing up in our winter flying equipment lately and getting shot by the post photographer who then gives them out to news stories thru the Public Relation dept. so we never know what or when we’ll

be plastered in something else. They don’t allow us to give out any stories or let outsiders take pictures.

These AT6 trips still won’t be to L.A. or Colorado, but may go to Wash. D.C. sometime. I’ll get leave sometime this summer and hitch-hike to Seattle in nothing flat.

Do you think you can get down this way any time this summer – I hope so.

We may get really signed on in this army before too long – then we’ll really be under gov. orders. Oh well, it’s like that in every way, but name now.

Lorraine Novelius Mercer is mother to a 7 ¼ lb. boy –





Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943 and Dorothy Scott joined the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) in 1942. Stationed at New Castle Army Air Base and with the 5th Ferrying Squadron at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Died in 1943 while in Pursuit training., “Letter from Dorothy Scott to her father, March 25, 1943,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 26, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/135.