Letter from Dorothy Scott to family, October 10, 1943.


Letter from Dorothy Scott to family, October 10, 1943.


Letter written by Dorothy Scott to her family on October 10, 1943. Scott discusses becoming a army instrument instructor, teaching students, the potential to go to pursuit school, and putting together a ground school for women.


Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943
Dorothy Scott joined the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) in 1942. Stationed at New Castle Army Air Base and with the 5th Ferrying Squadron at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Died in 1943 while in Pursuit training.




Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943


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1 pg., front and back







Is Part Of

MSS 600c, Dorothy F. Scott Papers

Spatial Coverage

Vault A


Scott, Edward

Rights Holder

Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University, P.O. Box 425528, Denton, TX 76204.


Dear Family:

To try to keep you all up-to-date on my doings is
an impossible job, however I'll try to cover the past two

Friday morning, Oct. 8, 1943 (red-letter ay) your
esteemed relative became an army instrument pilot. Hurray!
Mostly the feeling heareabouts was “well, it's about time !
I took it in a C 60 which is a big cargo plane used here for
hauling pilots en masse. I did a good job says my pilot and
everyone-- so I'll- take a bow.

With that behind me finally the deal was for me to
instruct it to the girls and some fellows perhaps. Well
about that same time Colonel Baker who is C.O. for this
sector and who used to be the head guy in Delaware (Don will
know) hears about the deal of me teaching and says "no".
His argument (tho [sic] they don't argue) was that no new instrument
pilot is qualified to teach. It goes round andround and
still is no. That was surely too bad because the instrument
school had made a new name plate for me and hung it wilth [sic] all
due ceremony, and I had a plane, students and was ready to go.

That was the situation last nite. This morning we have
a review and so get out before daylight and freeze to death
before the head guys along with the rest of the post. And
my last one was a few weeks ago in the afternoon wherein we
all sweated it out -- this texas weaterh! We did ok I guess
tho some of the new kids don't stand at attention very long
without fidgiting a lot.

Right after review I go with Delphine and a check pilot
on a C47 (like I flew with Nancy Love) and we spent the rest
of the morning in the air. Now I'm Delphine's co-pilot on
a trip coming up next week, then I'll go as first pilot. Back
here instrument school calls up and says to hike right over
with a student to fly instruments! I recover from a faint and
do so. Somewhere the wires got twisted and up I go. It was
Quite [sic] a deal.

Teaching again is swell. I just love to talk anyway and
to get a student in my power on the listening end is wonderful.
The girl was Batten, the little short girl who joined when
I did in Delaware (Dad and Don will know here.) She sure tries
hard and did o.k. too.

We landed after five p.m. so now I don’t know whether I’m actually an instrument instructor or not. (everyone quits here at five except pilots) But now it doesn’t matter because something else had come up.

Nancy Love comes back on a one-day visit on another matter and I inquire about some pilot-requests that had come into the office and of which I had not been included on the answers. Florene and I don’t see things the same way all the time and she would as soon double-cross me as not (a personal opinion based on fact) so I asked Nancy direct. The deal is to go to pursuit school! Now this has been my pet for a long time so I ask if I can get on and she says yes. Now what will come of this is anybody’s guess. It may mean a transfer to a training school and then to a pursuit base so that’s one possibility. What else is up to the gods and powers-that-be.

(NOTE!) Do not mention the above paragraph in any of your letters since wrong readers may be around. Never say much of such things in any letters– they’re dangerous.

I’m really in favor of getting a transfer since I’ve been here a long time and there’s lots of the world to see yet. Pursit is ideal and leads to bomber transiton– we’re on the way up. If it’s a transfer it may be the west coast– I hope, tho anything goes.

My big new job of organizing a ground school for all girls is well under control. I have an office, a secretary (who knows more than I do) a class room, lots of students and subjects, and am getting instructors fast so I won’t have to do it. The trick to running a thing is not let it own you or you’re stuck with it– and I want to keep flying.

The day is now half-an-hour along (12:30a.m.) of the 10th so here’s for some sleep.


Dad- prestone here O.K. maybe can buy some at my friendly station. Should I of save mine.
Had to get a new battery today. Goodvich 51 plate 13.95 ok?




Scott, Dorothy, 1920-1943 and Dorothy Scott joined the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) in 1942. Stationed at New Castle Army Air Base and with the 5th Ferrying Squadron at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Died in 1943 while in Pursuit training., “Letter from Dorothy Scott to family, October 10, 1943.,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 26, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/127.