Letter from Cordye Hall to J.M. Roche, July 22, 1970


Letter from Cordye Hall to J.M. Roche, July 22, 1970


Hall, Cordye; Roche, James M.; General Motors Corporation; Vietnam War; Another Mother for Peace: The New Yorker


Letter from Cordye Hall to J.M. Roche, the General Motors Chairman of the Board, regarding GMs involvement in manufacturing munitions for use in the Vietnam War. Hall states that she has guilt over owning a GM vehicle but will not buy another one unless they remove themselves from the war effort.


Hall, Cordye




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Dallas, Texas
July 22, 1970

Mr. J. M. Roche, Chairman of the Board
7667 Fifth Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10022

Dear Mr. Roche:
It is with some sense of guilt that I read in ANOTHER MOTHER FOR PEACE bulletin (June 1970) that General Motors is a great contributor to this war in their manufacture of:
81mm projectiles
155mm self-propelled Howitzers
warhead and exploder design for MK48 torpedoes

a sense of guilt in that I have never owned any other make of automobile but Chevrolets. Your products have given me good service and much pleasure, but I must say that I would not buy another automobile of General Motors make unless I could be assured that you are out of the war business.
There is the “Corporate Executives Committee for Peace” recently organized in New York at which many prominent businessmen expressed their intention to contact the Adm. and Congress and let them know of their feeling that this war is ruining our country, from every standpoint. I wish you could tell me that your great corporation is represented in that organization.
Most sincerely
(Mrs.) Cordye Hall

P.S. – read June 27 1970 THE NEW YORKER – page 26.

Original Format

paper, typed




Hall, Cordye, “Letter from Cordye Hall to J.M. Roche, July 22, 1970,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed July 27, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/117.

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