Drunks Helping Drunks, 2024


Drunks Helping Drunks, 2024


Substance use disorder


Artist statement:

This piece is a reflection of Substance-Use Disorder in that it seeks to help those suffering from it with testimonials from those who are grappling with the ailment themselves. This piece is specifically tailored for alcohol abuse, but can apply to anyone afflicted with SUD. The piece is an outstretched hand seeking to help people begin their journey down sobriety and betterment, covered in quotes from other afflicted individuals. These quotes range from reflections on what brought them to the substances, the battle they fought to work through it, and words of encouragement for a future outlook.

Quotes Utilized: If nothing changes, nothing changes; Your addiction is in the corner doing pushups; You are strangers no more; Easy does it; Live and let live; First things first; Think think think; But for the grace of God; On the beam; Off the beam; I am responsible; Let go absolutely; Work the steps; We are powerless (alone); I gave up; Nothing helps more than talking to someone; Talk to another alcoholic; My life was unmanageable; I couldn’t not drink; If it’s to be, it’s up to me; If you don’t make a decision to do it someone else’s way, you’ll be drunk in a short time; Things get better, little by slow sometimes, but it gets better; I’ve quit several times, then I would get discontent and angry; Drunks helping Drunks; I’m not giving up on myself; Now I can give others a little bet of hope; Comprehend serenity, and know peace; One day at a time; While damage is done, repair is possible; Amends can be made; Another sober day is a successful day; Our past becomes our greatest asset; I wanted everyone to experience every bit of pain I experienced; Any fool can learn from their own experience, but the wise learn from the experience of others; Sweep off your own side of the street; I’m an alcoholic; Place principles over personalities; I have relapsed; My ego was so big that I thought I could handle it on my own; We help hold each other accountable; Alcohol is the only thing that beat my ass without arms or legs; The odds are not in your favor; I drank to be numb and not deal with life; It helped me escape the life I was in, until it didn’t; It was my master; I didn’t know how to face life without being drunk; It can throw away everything I’ve worked for in a matter of days; Alcohol did for me what I couldn’t do for myself ;God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference

Medical description:

SUD has both psychological and physical factors that affect dependence, but the specific pathophysiology varies depending on what substance the patient is using. Even though the specific substances change the pathophysiology, most of the SUD substances strongly activate a center of the brain, the “reward” center, and produce a feeling of pleasure which contributes to the psychological dependence. Signs and symptoms include altered appearance, physiological changes, and impaired physical body. Patient response may be that they are in denial of the addiction, and they may have a hard time adhering to the sobriety program. Patient education would include medication administration for sobriety, adhering to lifestyle changes such as exercising and getting enough sleep, as well as attending support groups and therapy as needed.


Warfel, Micah




Sangi,, Madisyn; Aramburu, Marcela; Vu, Cindy; Creagor, Haley


In Copyright- This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights.


Multimedia sculpture ; 36 x 13 x 11 in.


Drunks Helping Drunks.jpg


Warfel, Micah, “Drunks Helping Drunks, 2024,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed October 18, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/316.