Distal Pedal Neuropathy, 2024


Distal Pedal Neuropathy, 2024


Distal pedal neuropathy


Artist statement:

The sculpture aims to evoke the sensory experience of distal pedal neuropathy through the juxtaposition of discomfort and artistry. By using pins and needles embedded in a foot sculpture, I seek to convey the tingling, numbness, and pain characteristic of this condition. The rendering of the feet was meant to closely resemble a severe case, in which the feet have already swollen up due to numbness. Through this piece, I hope to raise awareness and empathy for those living with neuropathic symptoms, inviting viewers to contemplate the intersection of physical sensation and artistic expression.

Medical description:

Distal Pedal Neuropathy occurs when the peripheral nerves are damaged due to a variety of health problems. Some common causes are diabetes, bone marrow disorders, kidney disease, liver disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, alcohol and tobacco use. The initial symptoms an individual will experience are gradual onset of numbness, prickling, or tingling in their feet. The individual will also have sharp burning pain, muscle weakness and inability to walk with a loss of coordination. There are certain treatments for peripheral neuropathy which are medications, scrambler therapy, spinal cord stimulation, physical therapy, surgery, plasma exchange, steroids and intravenous immune globulin. Scrambler therapy uses electrical impulses to send non-pain messages to the brain. Spinal cord stimulation sends low-level electrical impulses that can block pain signals from reaching the brain. Physical therapy can help improve an individual ability to walk with the help of ambulatory devices. Medications such as analgesic, anti-seizure, anti-depressants, and topical treatments have been found to help with the individual’s pain. The nurse with provide patient education by educating the importance to manage medical conditions that will put them at risk for peripheral neuropathy. For instance, eating a healthy diet which contain fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein. These can prevent low levels of vitamin B-12 which plays a factor in proper nerve function. Likewise, exercising regularly for a minimum of 30 min to an hour at least three times a week. If diabetic it can help the individual prevent accumulation of fats in type 2 diabetics. Similarly, avoiding factors that can cause nerve damage such as having uncontrolled diabetes, drinking alcohol and smoking.


Sariñana, Martha




Lovetinisky, Avery; Martinez, Carol; Rodea, Magda; Salas, Leslie


In Copyright- This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights.


Air dry clay and needles ; 11.5 x 11.5 x 14.5 in.


Distal Pedal Neuropathy.jpg


Sariñana, Martha , “Distal Pedal Neuropathy, 2024,” TWU Digital Exhibits, accessed October 18, 2024, http://exhibits.twu.edu/ex/items/show/307.